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Campaign for Elections

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As India goes to the polls, many of her citizens are raising relevant questions. How can there be free and fair elections when there is no level field for the game to begin Even before the match begins, elected members and sitting Chief Ministers are behind bars as if they are involved in some criminal activity. When there is no equal-level playing field, how can we even talk about democracy. Slowly, we are experiencing the erosion of the structures that have kept our democracy alive.

When a nation loses its sense of perceiving the truth without bias , then the nation is on a downward journey. From a very glorious past of becoming the world’s biggest power, we have come down on every index of human development. With a rich human resource, with talent just oozing out, we have failed to channelize these potentials to a constructive contribution of the economy. It is a matter of great concern as to where this potential is being misguided to?

The lack of opportunities high rate of unemployment are creating frustrated young citizens, which has become a matter of concern. Such frustration is damaging as the suicidal rates are on the rise; qualified young people, after years of hard study, today find themselves unemployed without a sense of purpose in life. The future seems bleak, yet with hope, it’s essential to motivate young people to keep the light of hope burning, to continue the struggle.

With this in mind we have been busy in meeting with people from door to door explaining to them about the achievements of the past 10 years, it’s no longer achievements but how the nation has been taken backwards and sold out to the corporate world. People are awakened about their experiences and have decided not to vote for the present regime. It was also our good fortune to have the daughter of former Prime Minister Jag Jivan Ram, Meira Kumar join us in the settlements and campaign of her son– Anshul Avijit, the contestant of our constituency – Patna Saheb. The simple gentle manner in which she interacted with the people by taking the little children on her lap showed how she loved the children.

The people thronged to listen to her as she addressed the people and convinced them to vote for the safety of the constitution, for the safety of democracy. For team members it was a very important moment as one of them remarked, never thought that I would meet with such a great personality. In every settlement one or two people who addressed the Gathering were filled with pride and a sense of Joy. The campaign goes on…we are positive that the India Alliance will come to power…with our efforts, the blessings of God….the winds of change as demonstrated by the people are signs of hope….HOPE

Our Institution

Primary School in Rural
Islamganj Village, Maner, Patna

Learning Centres in Urban
T.V Tower, HIG Colony Patna

Janta Flat, Bahadurpur, Patna

Gaighat, Patna

Gayatri Mandir, Kankerbagh, Patna

Our Skill Training Centres

Islamganj- Maner

T.V Tower – Bhoothnath Road, Patna

Gaighat- Patna

Punai Chak- Patna

Gardanibagh- Patna

Chitokhra- Patna

Kaushal Nagar – Patna

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