Distribution at Strand Road
The distribution at Strand Road between Qtr No. 10 & 11 took place on 11th April. How do you respond when people call up and say they are hungry. It is a difficult situation the government agencies are trying to do something but not sufficient. So, we at Aashray Abhiyan decided that we had to reach out to the people some 115 families at Strand road, most of them rickshaw, thela pullers, domestic workers, construction workers all in the informal sector. The able guidance of Rajesh Kumar and along with leaders Rukmani devi, Ranjeet Kumar, Sudershan, Khush, rajesh Paswan – Aashray Abhiyan ateam and city Ambassador Pankaj , the work went smoothly. It’s a relief when you are able to provide food..God bless us all and forgive our failings.