Fifth Bihar State Level Convention
Our networking with National Alliance of People’s Movement – NAPM, has offered us a platform to raise the issue of our people in a very vigorous manner. The solidarity that we experience with the other organizations strengthens us in our struggle for the people. It also provides us with the opportunity to device strategies which we adhere to from our collective strength.
The state level convention brought together a number of CSO’s and other groups who are directly engaged in the struggle of our people. This wide exposure also makes us understand how we need to be in collectives so that no one group is targeted.
Having Medha Patkar in our midst you could not but be affected by her passion, zeal dedication for the masses. She leads by doing and therefore she commands respect. Sharing with her about some of the gaps, being open to the learnings responses of people has been very effective. Her dynamic personality, her stamina to move ahead despite so many barriers makes her someone who all would want to be like her.
As I reflect back, I once again became convinced of how far am I from this commitment of this lady who has thrown her all for the alleviation of those on the periphery. People such like Medha are living saints and it has been my good fortune that I have been associated with her for near to two decades.